
3.47 replace

Replace a string replace_function <data>|<string1>|<string2>


say_string_function <module_name>[.<ext>] <lang>[.<ext>] <say_type> <say_method> [<say_gender>] <text>

sched_api Schedule an api command sched_api_function [+@]<time> <group_name> <command_string>[&]

sched_broadcast Schedule a broadcast event to a running call sched_broadcast_function [[+]<time>|@time] <uuid> <path> [aleg|bleg|both]

sched_del Delete a scheduled task sched_del_function <task_id>|<group_id>

sched_hangup Schedule a running call to hangup sched_hangup_function [+]<time> <uuid> [<cause>]

sched_transfer Schedule a transfer for a running call sched_transfer_function [+]<time> <uuid> <extension> [<dialplan>] [<context>]

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