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2.84 uuid_record

Record the audio associated with the channel with the given UUID into a file. The start command causes FreeSWITCH to start mixing all call legs together and saves the result as a file in the format that the file’s extension dictates. The stop command (if available) will stop the recording and close the file.

This API command is possibly broken and the “(if available)” remark may be an allusion to that: uuid_record seems to completely hijack control, no FreeSWITCH events are generated (neither on fs_cli nor to an event socket app), and the only way to stop it is by hanging up (as it doesn’t seem to honour the playback_terminators variable).

Use mod_dptools:record or mod_dptools:record_session instead.

If media setup hasn’t yet happened, the file will contain silent audio until media is available. Audio will be recorded for calls that are parked. The recording will continue through the bridged call. If the call is set to return to park after the bridge, the bug will remain on the call, but no audio is recorded until the call is bridged again.

TODO What if media doesn’t flow through FreeSWITCH? Will it re-INVITE first? Or do we just not get the audio in that case?

See channel variables related to recording at mod_dptools:record. Another module worth looking at is mod_dptools: record_session.

2.84.1 参数

<uuid> <start> <stop> <mask> <unmask> <path> <limit>

参数说明: - uuid:通话的唯一标识符(通过“show channels”可查看到) - start:Start recording the audio - stop:Stop recording.all may be used for to stop all recordings for the channel with the given UUID.uuid_record stop all - mask:Mask with silence part of the recording beginning when the mask argument is executed by this command.See http://jira.freeswitch.org/browse/FS-5269 - unmask:Stop the masking and continue recording live audio normally.See http://jira.freeswitch.org/browse/FS-5269 - path:Record to file specified by given path. If only filename is given the it will be saved to channel variable sound_prefix, or base_dir when sound_prefix not set. - limit: (optional) The maximum duration of the recording in seconds.

2.84.2 用法

uuid_record <uuid> [start|stop|mask|unmask] <path> [<limit>]

2.84.3 示例

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