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1.7 mod_conference



从下列Dialplan可以看出,它使用conference App将来话送入一个会议:

<extension name="nb_conferences">
    <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(30\d{2})$">
         <action application="answer"/>
         <action application="conference" data="$1-${domain_name}@default"/>

其中,conference App的参数是一个会议的名称和一个会议的Profile,它们之间是以@分隔的。domain_name一般是一个IP地址,所以,假设我们呼叫的是3000,FreeSWITCH的IP地址是192.168.1.2的话,将上述参数进行变量替换后,结果是:3000-




     <action application="conference" data=“3000@default"/>

这个,拨打3000就可以进入3000这个会议(室)。通过conference API命令,可以对会议执行一系列的操作,如下列命令将全部人员静音

conference 3000 mute all


conference 3000 unmute all


conference 3000 list


conference 3000 mute 2


conference 3000 kick 2



除语音会议外,FreeSWITCH也支持视频会议。1.4版以前的FreeSWITCH不支持视频的转码,因而仅支持主持人式的视频会议。具体的讲,所有与会成员中会有一个成员会获得一个video floor,持有该floor的人的视频会广播到其它所有成员的终端上,即,所有成员都会看到该成员的视频。在默认情况下,floor的持有和转换是通过声音激励的方式实现的,即,通过一点的算法,根据当前声音的能量值来决定谁持有floor,一般来说是当前说话的成员持有该floor,即谁说话看谁。


以下部分内容来自鼎鼎:cdevelop@qq.com qq:1280791187。

Todo: 格式待整理优化。


1.7.1 配置 conference.conf.xml 范例

<configuration name="conference.conf" description="Standard Conference configuration">

    [... config here ...]

    <group name="default">
    [... config here ...]

    <profile name="default">
    [... config here ...]

    <profile name="default">
    [... config here ...]

    <room name="3001@$${domain}" status="FreeSWITCH"/>


if ((advertise = switch_xml_child(cfg, "advertise"))) {
    for (room = switch_xml_child(advertise, "room"); room; room = room->next) {
        char *name = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(room, "name");
        char *status = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(room, "status");
        switch_event_t *event;

        if (name && switch_event_create(&event, id) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "proto", CONF_CHAT_PROTO);
            switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "login", name);
            switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "from", name);
            switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "force-status", status ? status : "Available");
            switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "rpid", "unknown");
            switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "event_type", "presence");
} caller-controls

配置会议控制按键,profile通过<param name="caller-controls" value="none"/>设置管理的caller-controls。none就是不使用控制按键,不设置时会使用default组。

Caller controls are used to modify the state of the conference, such as lowering the volume, mute a participant, and such. Below are the commands that can be assigned to digits and executed during a conference. The “moderator-controls” group provides additional controls for participants who enter the conference with the moderator flag set. See below. Reserved Control Group Names

Name Description
none Use this name to prevent installing caller-controls for callers to a conference.
default This group of settings will be assigned if no “caller-controls” is specified. You can also assign it explicitly. This group is defined in vanilla config, thus removing it from the configurations will make no caller controls at all.


    <group name="default">
        <control action="mute" digits="0"/>
        <control action="deaf mute" digits="*"/>
        <control action="energy up" digits="9"/>
        <control action="energy equ" digits="8"/>
        <control action="energy dn" digits="7"/>
        <control action="vol talk up" digits="3"/>
        <control action="vol talk zero" digits="2"/>
        <control action="vol talk dn" digits="1"/>
        <control action="vol listen up" digits="6"/>
        <control action="vol listen zero" digits="5"/>
        <control action="vol listen dn" digits="4"/>
        <control action="hangup" digits="#"/>


Action Description Min. Version
mute Toggle audio from this member into the conference.麦克静音切换,按一下静音,再按一下取消静音。
mute on Disable audio from this member into the conference.静音麦克。
mute off Enable audio from this member into the conference.取消静音麦克。
deaf mute Block audio from conference to this member as well as mute, in one action. 麦克和喇叭都静音。再按一下取消。
energy up Increase minimum energy threshold by 1 unit above which sound will be admitted into conference (noise gate).按一下噪音阈值加200,最大1800,声音只有大于这个阈值才会送到会议其他成员。
energy equ Reset minimum energy threshold to default. 噪音阈值恢复默认值。
energy dn Decrease minimum energy threshold by 1 unit.按一下噪音阈值减少200,最小0
vol talk up Increase member talk (mic) volume into conference by 1 unit,按一下把说话声音放大1个等级,最大可以放大4个等级,对应 {1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 4.3} 这些倍数。
vol talk zero Reset talk volume to default setting. 取消说话声音增溢
vol talk dn Decrease talk volume by 1 unit.,按一下把说话声音降低1个等级,最大可以降低4个等级,对应 {.80, .60, .40, .20}这些倍数。
vol listen up Increase member receive (earpiece) volume by 1 unit.同vol talk up一样,只是修改是听到的声音
vol listen zero Reset member receive volume to default setting
vol listen dn Decrease member receive volume by 1 unit
hangup Leave the conference.离开会议
event Send the DTMF event via CUSTOM conference::maintenance subclass to the event system (even to event socket).触发esl事件
lock Toggle the conference lock state (no new members can enter when locked).切换会议锁定状态,锁定时会议不能加入新成员
transfer Transfer member to a given extension in a dialplan context.例子: <control action="transfer" digits="5" data="100 XML default"/>,离开会议并转到指定上下文。
execute_application Execute a dialplan application.例子:<control action="execute_application" digits="0" data="playback conf_help.wav"/>,执行一个APP,APP执行完成后会返回到会议 。
floor Toggle yourself on and off of talking floor, as long as no one else has floor status. floor标记的意思是会议当前的说话人,一个会议只有一个成员拥有floor标记,会议会自动设置。我看代码的逻辑是,按钮的用处是如果一个成员拥有floor标记,执行按键后,会取消floor标记。如果会议中没有成员有floor标记,就给按键的成员设置floor标记, 不会实际测试时并不想预期的这样,系统会自动修改floor标记的。
vid-floor Video floor. If video floor is currently locked, it will revert to auto; if there is no current holder, you become video floor holder 1.6
vid-floor-force Video floor. If video floor is currently locked, it will revert to auto, otherwise you become the **locked video floor holder 1.6
vmute Video mute. Toggle video from this member into the conference 1.6
vmute on Disable video from this member into the conference 1.6
vmute off Enable video from this member into the conference 1.6
vmute snap Take a video snapshot for this user to be used when in vmute 1.6
vmute snapoff Discard the vmute video snapshot 1.6 profiles

You can specify a number of different profiles in the profiles section, these will let you easily apply a number of settings to a conference. Please note that the profiles are not conference rooms, but define settings that are later applied to conference rooms. The dialplan section in this document will describe how you create conference rooms and apply these profile settings.

profiles structure

    <profile name="default">
    <param name="paramName" value="paramValue"/>

You can have any number of tags, and each can have any number of tags up to the entire set of parameters.

Conference Profile Parameters

You may specify the conference profile parameters listed below. Keep in mind that if TTS is enabled all audio-file params beginning with ‘say:’ will be considered text to say with TTS. A TTS module must be loaded by FreeSWITCH for this to work.

Name Description Example value Allowed value Default value Played for Min. Version
announce-count Requires TTS. If the number of members equals or exceeds this value, the conference will speak the count to the conference after a new member joins.
5 <integer> 0
auto-gain-level Enables Automatic Gain Control (AGC). If the parameter is set to ‘true’, then the default AGC value is used. If set to a number it will override the default value.
启用自动增益控制(AGC)。 如果参数设置为“true”,则使用默认的AGC值。 如果设置为数字,它将覆盖默认值
900 <integer> or true 1100

1.7.2 FreeSWITCH会议指南

参考资料 https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/mod_conference

1.7.3 conference基础部分 查询已经存在的会议

conference <conf name> list [delim <string>]|[count]
conference <conf name> xml_list
``` 邀请用户加入会议 成员加入会议标志

例子confname++flags{endconf|moderator}. 剔出成员

kick 和 hup 区别,hup不播放提示音。 conference <confname> kick <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator conference <confname> hup <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator 会议密码

  1. 呼出的通话加入会议,默认不需要密码。如果要禁用这个特性,需要设置通道变量conference_enforce_security为true。
  2. 会议密码(pin),可以在配置文件中设置,也可以在APP参数中指定密码,也可以通过API来设置密码,APP参数中指定的密码具有最高优先级。 APP中设置密码
<action application="conference" data="confname@profilename+pin"> API设置密码


conference <confname> pin <pin-number>


conference <confname> pin mod <pin-number>


conference <confname> nopin 配置文件设置密码
        <profile name="default">
            <param name="pin" value="12345"/>
            <param name="moderator-pin" value="54321"/>
    </profiles> 通道变量设置密码

通道变量·conference_moderator_pin·设置主席密码。 通道变量验证密码

通道变量supplied_pin=X-ConfPin=pin,可以用来验证密码。 会议录音

通过API,或者配置来对会议进行录音。 ##### API控制会议录音 多次执行录音命令,可以录音到多个文件。record对应recording startnorecord对应recording stopchkrecord对应recording checkpause对应recording pauseresume对应recording resume它们功能完全一样。

    conference <confname> record <file-path>
    conference <confname> norecord <file-path>|all
    conference <confname> resume <file-path>
    conference <confname> chkrecord
    conference <confname> pause <file-path>

    conference <confname> recording start <file-path>
    conference <confname> recording check
    conference <confname> recording stop <file-path>|all
    conference <confname> recording pause <file-path>
    conference <confname> recording resume <file-path> 配置会议录音
    <param name="auto-record" value="$${recordings_dir}/${conference_name}_${strftime(%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)}.wav"/> 对会议进行放音

例子 conference 8000 play test.wav

    conference <confname> play [{vol=<volume>,full-screen=true,png_ms=100}]<file-path> [async|<member_id> [nomux]]
    conference <confname> play_status [<member_id>]
    conference <confname> pause_play [<member_id>]
    conference <confname> stop [current|all|async|last]> [<member_id>]
    conference <confname> file_seek [+|-]<val>
    conference <confname> file-vol <val> [async] 会议提示音

就是会议成员加入,离开等提示音。 ##### API设置提示音

    conference <confname> enter_sound on|off|none|file <filename>
    conference <confname> exit_sound on|off|none|file <filename> 配置文件设置提示音
     <!-- <param name="sound-prefix" value="$${sounds_dir}/en/us/callie"/> -->
     <param name="muted-sound" value="conference/conf-muted.wav"/>
     <param name="unmuted-sound" value="conference/conf-unmuted.wav"/>
     <param name="alone-sound" value="conference/conf-alone.wav"/>
     <param name="moh-sound" value="$${hold_music}"/>
     <param name="enter-sound" value="tone_stream://%(200,0,500,600,700)"/>
     <param name="exit-sound" value="tone_stream://%(500,0,300,200,100,50,25)"/>
     <param name="kicked-sound" value="conference/conf-kicked.wav"/>
     <param name="locked-sound" value="conference/conf-locked.wav"/>
     <param name="is-locked-sound" value="conference/conf-is-locked.wav"/>
     <param name="is-unlocked-sound" value="conference/conf-is-unlocked.wav"/>
     <param name="pin-sound" value="conference/conf-pin.wav"/>
     <param name="bad-pin-sound" value="conference/conf-bad-pin.wav"/> 会议加锁

    conference <confname> lock
    conference <confname> unlock 会议静音

    conference <confname> mute <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator [quiet]
    conference <confname> tmute <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator [quiet]
    conference <confname> unmute <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator [quiet] 只说模式

    conference <confname> deaf <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator
    conference <confname> undeaf <member_id>|all|last|non_moderator 桥接会议


    <action application="conference" data="bridge:confname[@profile]:none|endpoint[+flags{mute|deaf|...}]"> 事件

You can subscribe to the following to receive conference events: conference::maintenance The “suppress-events” parameter can be added to the conference profile to prevent events from firing. e.g. if you’re not interested in start or stop talking events:

      <profile name="default">
        <param name="suppress-events" value="start-talking,stop-talking"/>

The events that can be suppressed are: add-member, del-member, energy-level, volume-level, gain-level, dtmf, stop-talking, start-talking, mute-member, unmute-member, kick-member, dtmf-member, energy-level-member, volume-in-member, volume-out-member, play-file, play-file-member, speak-text, speak-text-member, lock, unlock, transfer, bgdial-result and floor-change. DTMF按键控制(caller-controls)

配置会议控制按键,profile通过<param name="caller-controls" value="none"/>设置管理的caller-controls。none就是不使用控制按键,不设置时会使用default组。

Caller controls are used to modify the state of the conference, such as lowering the volume, mute a participant, and such. Below are the commands that can be assigned to digits and executed during a conference. The “moderator-controls” group provides additional controls for participants who enter the conference with the moderator flag set. See below. Reserved Control Group Names

Name Description
none Use this name to prevent installing caller-controls for callers to a conference.
default This group of settings will be assigned if no “caller-controls” is specified. You can also assign it explicitly. This group is defined in vanilla config, thus removing it from the configurations will make no caller controls at all.


        <group name="default">
          <control action="mute" digits="0"/>
          <control action="deaf mute" digits="*"/>
          <control action="energy up" digits="9"/>
          <control action="energy equ" digits="8"/>
          <control action="energy dn" digits="7"/>
          <control action="vol talk up" digits="3"/>
          <control action="vol talk zero" digits="2"/>
          <control action="vol talk dn" digits="1"/>
          <control action="vol listen up" digits="6"/>
          <control action="vol listen zero" digits="5"/>
          <control action="vol listen dn" digits="4"/>
          <control action="hangup" digits="#"/>


Action Description Min. Version
mute Toggle audio from this member into the conference.麦克静音切换,按一下静音,再按一下取消静音。
mute on Disable audio from this member into the conference.静音麦克。
mute off Enable audio from this member into the conference.取消静音麦克。
deaf mute Block audio from conference to this member as well as mute, in one action. 麦克和喇叭都静音。再按一下取消。
energy up Increase minimum energy threshold by 1 unit above which sound will be admitted into conference (noise gate).按一下噪音阈值加200,最大1800,声音只有大于这个阈值才会送到会议其他成员。
energy equ Reset minimum energy threshold to default. 噪音阈值恢复默认值。
energy dn Decrease minimum energy threshold by 1 unit.按一下噪音阈值减少200,最小0
vol talk up Increase member talk (mic) volume into conference by 1 unit,按一下把说话声音放大1个等级,最大可以放大4个等级,对应 {1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 4.3} 这些倍数。
vol talk zero Reset talk volume to default setting. 取消说话声音增溢
vol talk dn Decrease talk volume by 1 unit.,按一下把说话声音降低1个等级,最大可以降低4个等级,对应 {.80, .60, .40, .20}这些倍数。
vol listen up Increase member receive (earpiece) volume by 1 unit.同vol talk up一样,只是修改是听到的声音
vol listen zero Reset member receive volume to default setting
vol listen dn Decrease member receive volume by 1 unit
hangup Leave the conference.离开会议
event Send the DTMF event via CUSTOM conference::maintenance subclass to the event system (even to event socket).触发esl事件
lock Toggle the conference lock state (no new members can enter when locked).切换会议锁定状态,锁定时会议不能加入新成员
transfer Transfer member to a given extension in a dialplan context.例子: <control action="transfer" digits="5" data="100 XML default"/>,离开会议并转到指定上下文。
execute_application Execute a dialplan application.例子:<control action="execute_application" digits="0" data="playback conf_help.wav"/>,执行一个APP,APP执行完成后会返回到会议 。
floor Toggle yourself on and off of talking floor, as long as no one else has floor status. floor标记的意思是会议当前的说话人,一个会议只有一个成员拥有floor标记,会议会自动设置。我看代码的逻辑是,按钮的用处是如果一个成员拥有floor标记,执行按键后,会取消floor标记。如果会议中没有成员有floor标记,就给按键的成员设置floor标记, 不会实际测试时并不想预期的这样,系统会自动修改floor标记的。
vid-floor Video floor. If video floor is currently locked, it will revert to auto; if there is no current holder, you become video floor holder 1.6
vid-floor-force Video floor. If video floor is currently locked, it will revert to auto, otherwise you become the **locked video floor holder 1.6
vmute Video mute. Toggle video from this member into the conference 1.6
vmute on Disable video from this member into the conference 1.6
vmute off Enable video from this member into the conference 1.6
vmute snap Take a video snapshot for this user to be used when in vmute 1.6
vmute snapoff Discard the vmute video snapshot 1.6

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