FreeSWITCH 第二本书 FreeSWITCH CookBook 出版了
这是 FreeSWITCH 官方出版的第二本书。电子版打折后一共是 £9.59。可以直接顺着 FreeSWITCH 网站上的链接购买,也可以在 Amazon 上购买。有 Visa 或 MasterCard 信用卡付费就可以了。
其实我2年前开始写的 《FreeSWITCH: VoIP 实战》目的也是多提供一些实例,给官方的第一本书作一个补充。只是由于平时很忙到现在也没有完成。现在官方的书出来了,我觉得还是值得一读的。好了,废话少说,今天刚拿到手还没来得及看,先把目录贴上来大家尝尝鲜:
Table of Contents
Preface 1
Chapter 1: Routing Calls
Internal calls
Incoming DID calls
Outgoing calls
Ringing multiple endpoints simultaneously
Ringing multiple endpoints sequentially (simple failover)
Advanced multiple endpoint calling with enterprise originate
Time of day routing
Manipulating To: headers on registered endpoints to reflect DID numbers
Chapter 2: Connecting Telephones and Service Providers
Configuring a SIP phone to register with FreeSWITCH
Connecting audio devices with PortAudio
Using FreeSWITCH as a softphone
Configuring a SIP gateway
Configuring Google Voicc
Codec configuration
Chapter 3: Processing Call Detail Records
Using CSV CDRs
Using XML CDRs
Inserting CDRs into a backend database
Using a web server to handle XML CDRs
Using the event socket to handle CDRs
Chapter 4: External Control 63 Introduction
Getting familiar with the fs_cli interface
Setting up the event socket library
Establishing an inbound event socket connection
Establishing an outbound event socket connection
Using fs_ivrd to manage outbound connections
Filtering events
Launching a call with an inbound event socket connection
Using the ESL connection object for call control
Using the built-in web interface
Chapter 5: PBX Functionality
Creating users
Accessing voicemail
Company directory
Using phrase macros to build sound prompts
Creating XML IVR menus
Music on hold
Creating conferences
Sending faxes
Receiving faxes
Basic text-to-speech with mod_flite
Advanced text-to-speech with mod_tts_commandline
Listening to live calls with telecast
Recording calls